PBIS Monthly Themes
September: Responsibility
As a school, we emphasize responsibility in children throughout all aspects of life. We want all students to be responsible for themselves and their possessions. Each teacher looks for a student who is well prepared for class, completes their homework, and follows directions by listening closely to their teachers and peers.
October: Self Control
This is a very difficult area for a lot of students. As a district, teachers are looking for students who have the ability to control their actions in all areas of their day.
Children who show self-control are able to think things through prior to reacting to any given situation. They use self-control when they are talking to their peers, teachers, and staff. They use restraint or control of one’s emotions or behaviors throughout their school day.
November: Choices
Giving students choices helps them become independent learners. Most decisions children make are not overly important, but some of them are. Decisions between right and wrong, are usually the most difficult for children to choose. We encourage all students to ask themselves, is this a good choice or a bad choice, and let that determine their their overall decision. Wildcats of the Month show an act of choosing or selecting positive choices no matter what the circumstances.
December: Friendship
Making friends is one thing, keeping them is another. It takes kind words and actions to keep friends. It is important to always think about other people and do what you can to help them. A good friend is concerned about how their friends feel. Friends are honest, trustworthy, kind, fun, helpful, supportive, good listeners, and have a good sense of humor. Those are just a few characteristics the Wildcats of the month possess.
January: Respect
Showing respect to teachers and peers will earn respect in return. It is important for all students to show respect by using their manners, with polite words and actions. Students of the Month are respectful even when they become frustrated.
January our eyes were open, for things that show respect, there were quite a few examples, our district did collect. Instead of telling all about them, each way respect was shown, more about the word respect, is what first should be known.
When you have respect, you give honor towards a thing, or when you hold someone or something, in a high esteem. Respect means regard, it is veneration that runs deep, to refrain from interfering, and hands to self you keep.
Respect is a high opinion of someone, an opinion to inspire, admire things they have done, their actions you do desire. It can be found in a particular detail, or found in one aspect, our district finds it everywhere, we're blessed by respect.
When you learn a person's qualities, had by all gals or guys, respect comes from admiration, take time to recognize. Respect means to like, and with further dissection, respect comes from love, and endearing affection.
Feel strongly for things, have a deep gratitude, you look up to things, with a respect attitude. Look up to adults, and respect authority, Endorse an association, or superiority.
January's theme and focus, was on the word "respect," respect has splashed our district, with very many flecks. No need to tell you all about them, from where respect comes, the ideas can be all yours, we're sure you can think of some. Because you know more about respect, you can guess where it's found, you have more ideas of what it may look like, or how it might sound.

February: Positive Attitude
With a positive attitude children see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing. We look for our Wildcats of the Month to encourage their peers to obtain the same attitude.
What does a positive attitude bring, it only brings the most positive things. Being thoughtful, makes actions not rude, a mile wide smile, always leads your mood. Treat others kindly, with actions not crude, all these things stem, from positive attitude.
Be fair when you share, classmates you include, follow rules at school, and mates don't exclude. All of these come with ease, when they're pursued, it is true me and you, were born with this aptitude. Classmates are great, and become part of a brood, use respect it does infect, creates a positive attitude.
When positive people, have been interviewed, none of them needed direction, or to be cued. Happy and grateful they were, with sheer gratitude, Things they demonstrated, with a great multitude. It seems when positive people, by eyes are viewed, These kind of people, are never rendezvoused.
What from this poem, should be constructed, the more we have and use a positive attitude, we construct an environment, that does protrude, with a positive attitude, that never will conclude.

March: Honesty
An honest person is one of moral character and shows positive attributes such as integrity, truthfulness and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or theft.
April: Citizenship
A good citizen is one who partakes in many activities. They are kind to their classmates as well as other students in the school. The Wildcats of the Month will go out of their way to volunteer to help their teachers, and others.
May: Wellness/Safety
Khfooty: We expect all children to keep, hands, feet, and other objects to your-selves at all times throughout the day. It is important that children are not only in a safe environment, but the people who surround them treat them in a safe manner as well. This pertains to the way you treat yourself as well as others. When children feel safe, it is easier for them to exhibit an all around healthy lifestyle.